Below you will find a list of all the treatments we offer. If you are unsure which one is for you/ or if we can help you, we offer a free 15 mins chat to discuss any questions or concerns you might have.

Chinese medicine is a medical system in itself and as such, during our studies, we trained to work with all sorts of conditions. Over the years of clinical practice, we developed interest in the following areas:

Giusi: women’s health/ gynaecology, skin complaints, autoimmune diseases, pain conditions and palliative care. What I haven’t had much success with: smoke cessation and weight loss.

Rebecca: pain (acute and chronic), womens health/ gynaecology, mental/emotional wellbeing and palliative care. Not so successful with: skin conditions and neurological diseases.

abdominal sacral massage

An abdominal and sacral massage concentrates on the core of your body where most of the major internal organs are, including your reproductive and digestive systems. Because of its effects on these organs, this type of bodywork promotes circulation not only to the local area but also to your entire body.

For women, this massage is particularly important because it benefits the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes, therefore promoting hormonal balance. It helps to correct misalignment of the uterus, assists the body in eliminating old stagnant blood and gently breaks down adhesions and scar tissue. In various healing and medical traditions (the Mayan possibly being the most famous one), this massage has been used to support fertility and to prepare the womb for pregnancy as well as to help in realigning the abdominal organs postpartum.


According to traditional Chinese philosophy, our health is dependent on the body’s energy moving in a smooth and harmonious way through a network of channels which also affects our internal organs. Practitioners of east Asian medicine call this energy ‘qi’. If you are familiar with yoga, you might have also heard the word ‘prana’. The flow of qi can be disturbed by any number of factors such as emotional states (anxiety, anger, grief and so on) as well as poor nutrition, hereditary factors, infections and trauma. When the flow of qi is unbalanced, you get sick.This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs


Bowen Technique is a gentle, non-invasive form of bodywork whereby a series of precise movements are made across specific anatomical locations on the body. Movements or ‘challenges’ are made across muscles, ligaments, and tendons encouraging these areas to be prompted and, at the same time, deeply relaxed. Bowen Technique works with functionally important fascia and connective tissue in the body which are located where major acupuncture points and meridians run.

In between moves, there are Bowen’s famous ‘pauses’ to ensure that the body is allowed space to respond to the ‘cue’ given. Therefore, the session follows an alternation between moves and pauses; this ultimately allows a restructuring of the underlying tissue. 

chinese herbal medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is one of the oldest herbal systems in the world with a long history going back to the 3rd century BC.

Despite its longevity, it is continually evolving to meet new demands of modern clinical settings including meeting research standards.

CHM is still offered as part of the main healthcare system in China alongside Western medicine.

Compassionate Inquiry

Compassionate Inquiry (CI) is a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Mate, who is worldly renowned for his wok on addiction and trauma.

CI uses simple questions to give insight into perceptions, believes and emotions behind what we present to others. Only by uncovering and getting to know what drives our behaviours and suffering, we can free ourselves from it.

A session normally lasts between 45-60 min and it can be carried out online or in person. It starts with you setting an intention, i.e something you would like to explore (whether a feeling or emotion, pattern of behaviour etc.). 

More info & to make an appointment here.


Cosmetic or Facial Acupuncture treatment uses points on the face to lift/enhance skin tone, particularly areas where sagging occurs. 

We use a fusion of our acupuncture experience, interest in skin care and massage techniques to soften fine lines and blemishes, enhance skin tone and give your face an overall healthy glow.

Unlike more invasive cosmetic treatments which have many potential & documented side effects, cosmetic acupuncture has hardly any and it’s completely natural and holistic.

thai yoga massage

No ting tong and no Patpong....this is in fact a deep and dynamic form of bodywork. The happy ending comes in the form of your body feeling thoroughly stretched, pummelled and loosened, fully clothed with no oils.

Traditionally Thai Yoga massage involves the whole body rather than isolating parts. We will massage and passively stretch you to work deep into the 'sen lines' (also known as meridians, nadis or myofascia), the body tissues and surrounding structures.

Also known as lazy yoga massage, your body will be guided into various yoga postures during the treatment  to assist in the opening up and release of tension within the body.

yoga nidra

Yoga nidra is an ancient form of meditation and relaxation, often translated as ‘yogic sleep’. It is normally practiced in savasana (lying down) making it accessible to all and requires no prior knowledge as you will be verbally guided throughout the session.

Yoga nidra is a state of awareness or effortless concentration, that allows the body to relax completely and the mind resides between wakefulness and deep rest. This allows the body to reach the level where healing can occur.

For this reason yoga nidra is rapidly becoming known as a practice to support psycho-emotional conditions as well as physical ailments.

yoga therapy

When we think of yoga, the image generally portrayed is an attractive young woman, wearing expensive lycras in a posture almost impossible to the majority! However, traditionally yoga included a vast number of practices (with less emphasis on the physical body), ultimately leading one towards a higher state of mind.

Yoga can, therefore, be used as a tool in maintaining and improving overall wellbeing, physical health and ailments, as well as being tailored to individual cases in a therapeutic setting. This is where the true strength of yoga lies; by adapting the practices to specific constitutions and circumstances, one's full potential can be expressed. 

Practices we teach in class or in a therapeutic setting include: physical postures (asana), breathing techniques (pranayama), chanting of mantras, mudras (subtle hand positions) and different forms of meditation.