Trailing Pebbles Clinic

Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine for Women’s Health in Chagford

Welcome to our corner of the virtual world,

We are Giusi & Rebecca, experienced Chinese medicine practitioners and therapeutic movement teachers.

How can we help you?

We believe that health is an individual journey and one path doesn’t fit all. That is why we utilise a wide variety of our skills to fully individualise a treatment plan that meets your personal needs.

Whilst over the years we have treated clients with several health conditions, we have a special interest & expertise in the following areas:

  • women’s hormonal health: supporting women with hormonal imbalances manifesting in conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, premenstrual tension and painful periods
  • fertility: whether natural or using IVF, we can support you on your fertility journey using the principles of Traditional Chinese medicine while also understanding the Western medicine involved 
  • support for psycho-emotional issues such as anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks & stress
  • healthy ageing: helping you in the management of conditions such as osteoporosis and arthritis as well as providing movement/yoga classes that focus on mobility & strength
  • pain conditions such as injuries (acute & chronic), frozen shoulder, RSI and headaches & migraines

We offer both in person treatments & movement classes in Chagford as well as online consultations.

You can read more about our own stories, treatments & classes we offer, here you can find out when and where we are and what is inspiring us as we trail pebbles.

If you are into CVs, click on Giusi’s & Rebecca’s Linkedin profiles where you will find our experience & qualifications gained in over ten years.

Giusi Pezzotta & Rebecca Ellis